Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wedding Info

We are one month away! See you all soon!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Transformations....cont'd

Over the course of the next two weeks - this here yard is getting a facelift!

Well I actually took pictures of the backyard before all the hard work goes in it.

CD's dad has given us the better part of his weekends lately and is giving us his week off after Easter! So we are getting our projects lined up and ready to get knocked out. CD and I have postponed our weekend up north and are going to be putting in pavers.

We have big plans for this back yard and it's going to look fab for the wedding. (And forever after!)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring Transformation...

Well the season started with a very leaky basement. Boooo....but it also has started with our list of things we need to get done by June 12th. AND.......the process has started. We are excited to be making our backyard into the stage for our wedding. It's going to take a lot of work, but we are excited and talking to people and starting to work!

It's also given us an excuse to try and actually get a couple days off each week. So we are hoping that Sundays/Mondays are spent wedding prepping and planning and all that fun stuff.

I think I'll take pictures of the progress so we can see the glory of our hard work!

Now I just need to know the weather will be good come June 12th.

Less than three months....woooooot!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Welcome to the party...

If you are reading this you've probably got your Save The Date card and are checking out our little site. Welcome! We are glad to have you here. I've been posting since CD and I decided to get hitched. I started this in 2007 and have updated a few points along our journey. If you are bored, nosy or just like to read - carry on.

We'll be updating this info as the date grows closer with info you may need....Hotel Info..Parking Info..Massage Info...etc.

Yep..CD and I are reserving Balance for our family and friends on Friday/Saturday and offering FREE massages! You heard if you are coming in from out of town and have a little time to kill - we'll help you out.

Also...thank you for being our family or our friends or both. We love you and can't wait to celebrate with everyone!

PS - Don't be tardy for the party!


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

What does this picture have to do with our wedding? Well stay tuned to find out. It's very exciting. And yes, our wedding does have Free Admission - but don't think it's that simple!

In other wedding news, CD and I have got a great start to the back yard projects and the ideas in place. We even have someone to help us design some of the components we need help with. So that's all fun and good.

Have I mentioned how excited I am about this picture ? Yes that's right you guessed it......


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What we should do v. What we will do....

We have a lot of yard work and landscaping to get done before the big day. And I mean A LOT people.....

So here is what we should do:

I should take pictures ala "before and after" of the amazing transformation that will take place over the course of the next year.

Here is what we will do:

Not take any pictures and then wish we had.

Of course I just did document a hippo animal cracker hanging out at Balance. So maybe I can take photos after all.

Les was over last night and we got a little weeding done and talked about what we need. Moms in town this weekend, so hopefully we can figure out a bit more.
